kryminał, sensacja, thriller

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Seven Footprints to Satan

Seven Footprints to Satan

A jungle explorer back home in New York gets kidnapped by a part-Chinese man claiming to be Satan. „Satan” has set up a complicated game of chance, which is played by some of the most wealthy and...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
The Dwellers in the Mirage

The Dwellers in the Mirage

This science fantasy novel by Abraham Merritt concerns American Leif Langdon who accidentally discovers a hidden valley in Alaska that unexpectedly supports abundant life, including two tribes of...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
The Moon Pool

The Moon Pool

One of the most gripping fantasies ever written, „The Moon Pool” embodies all the romanticism and poetic nostalgia characteristic of A. Merritt’s writings. The plot concerns an advanced race which...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
Creep, Shadow!

Creep, Shadow!

„Creep, Shadow! „ is the second novel in the Dr. Lowell series, preceded by „Burn, Witch, Burn! „. It’s short and it moves along very quickly but there’s plenty of tension and some genuinely...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
Burn, Witch, Burn!

Burn, Witch, Burn!

Originally published in 1932, „Burn, Witch, Burn! „ is a classic fantasy/horror and mystery novel by A. Merritt. In it, we meet Dr. Lowell, an eminent neurologist who becomes curious when a series...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
Collected Short Stories

Collected Short Stories

„The Collected Short Stories” is a collection of Abraham Merritt’s shorter works, and contains eight stories and two „fragments.” Included are: „The People of the Pit”, „Through the Dragon Glass”,...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
The Metal Monster

The Metal Monster

Abraham Merritt tells a tale of awe and wonder as well as horror and dread to the speculative fiction and fantasy. „The Metal Monster” features the return of Dr. Walter T. Goodwin who first...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
The Ship of Ishtar

The Ship of Ishtar

The goddess of love and beauty was adrift on an enchanted ocean in a magic world. The myriad forces of satanic evil plagued the vessel of the red-haired, passionate goddess. Only one man, John...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
The Face in the Abyss

The Face in the Abyss

A simply amazingly creative novel by one of the best of the pulp-era authors, originally published 1931. While searching for lost Inca treasure in South America, American mining engineer, Nicholas...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł

Powieści kryminalne, sensacyjne i thrillery

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W tej kate­go­rii wyróż­nia­ją­cymi się auto­rami są Remi­giusz Mróz, Ste­phen King, Dan Brown czy Aga­tha Chri­stie.

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