kryminał, sensacja, thriller

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Bulldog Drummond at Bay

Bulldog Drummond at Bay

Bulldog Drummond At Bay is another story from the famous series of Herman Cyril McNeile. This story is full of mysteries for the reader. Drummond hears cries near his yard, then notices traces of...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
The Female of the Species

The Female of the Species

The story revolves around revenge. First, the main character, Bulldog Drummond, kills his stormy enemy, Carl Peterson. And his mistress wants revenge for Peterson. Suddenly, Drummond’s wife is...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
Men, Women, and Guns

Men, Women, and Guns

Men, Women, and Guns – collection of short stories. Events occur at the time of the First World War. The story of the soldiers who boldly defended their homeland and about women who helped their...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
John Walters

John Walters

The story goes on the background of a heavy war. A person whose physical growth is impressive, but his mental state is not considered the best. This is a story about the wonderful awakening of the...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
Jim Maitland

Jim Maitland

Jim Maitland is a crazy, wandering wanderer. He crosses the globe wherever he pleases. At the beginning of the book, he is in the southern seas and meets storyteller Dick Leyton, who becomes his...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
No Man’s Land

No Man’s Land

The story of real men who sacrificed themselves for the sake of their homeland and family. McNeile pays attention to people, their psychological state. Great attention to how things are in the...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
Shorty Bill

Shorty Bill

Sapper stories focus on the individuals than overall strategy. They describe what the things are like for the soldiers in the trenches. The story of an excellent young man, noble and deeply versed...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
The Finger of Fate

The Finger of Fate

The story of Staunton and Barstow, who are witnesses of a strange spectacle at a bar in an Austrian village. The aristocrat begins a formidable target training session on some playing cards – the...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
The Human Touch

The Human Touch

Shorty Bill the sniper is a fun type, but with a cool head. He cuts a new tag on his rifle with each new kill. Herman Cyril McNeile despised the Germans. He was a soldier, a member of the Royal...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
The Lieutenant and Others

The Lieutenant and Others

The Lieutenant and Others – a collection of stories written during the First World War. A novella written and published at the height of the war in 1916 by a soldier is approaching a real deal in...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
The Man in Ratcatcher

The Man in Ratcatcher

The Man in Ratcatcher – an exciting collection of short stories. The story about the veterans of the First World War. As well as the story of the redemption, about what little is written about in...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
Tiny Carteret

Tiny Carteret

One of the few full-length novels by Sapper, in which the Bulldog Drummond does not appear. He does, however, show the second most important character, Ronald Standish. The two most intelligent...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
Word of Honour

Word of Honour

Word of Honor is the perfect set of most magnificent stories. Some of them have something that can be supernatural. Someone is talking about an incident that happened to them or to a friend in the...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
When Carruthers Laughed

When Carruthers Laughed

A nice collection of short stories from Sapper. Sapper is a master narrator, he has many wonderful stories. One of the fun moments is when Major Dacres shoots himself a finger. Really unusual...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
The Saving Clause

The Saving Clause

A collection of nine superb Sapper stories. Of course, in the stories are present Ronald Standish and Bulldog Drummond. Two indispensable hero. They again take up their lovely deal, begin to solve...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
Jim Brent

Jim Brent

The events of the story take place during the Second World War. Jim Brent, a soldier who serves Belgium, learns that his lover is marrying another. In desperation, he doesn’t care about his...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
The Third Round

The Third Round

Professor Goodman gets tragically in avaraet and dies. So many thought, except for Captain Hugh ‘Bulldog’ Drummond. He suspects that something is wrong. It turns out, his latest discovery – a...
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In this story, Hugh is joined by Ronald Standish, who previously appeared in many of the author’s stories. Ronald Standish is a charming guy and a free detective. He receives a call from a friend...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
The Black Gang

The Black Gang

World War I ended, but the fighting continues. Captain Hugh „Bulldog” Drummond forms the Black Gang, aimed at finding those responsible for conspiracies. They set a trap to lure the criminal...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
Sergeant Michael Cassidy, R.E.

Sergeant Michael Cassidy, R.E.

Cassidy is a loyal and legendary soldier in the Corps of Royal Engineers. He is brave, proud, and even his elders are afraid of him. Cassidy meets the narrator, a high-ranking officer in Flander....
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
The Island of Terror

The Island of Terror

The protagonist, the real adventurer Jim Maitland returns to England. There he meets a charming girl, Judy Draycott, who needs his help. She tells the story of her brother Arthur, who knew where...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
Out of the Blue

Out of the Blue

The motive in the case of murder – this is the first thing that draws the attention of the police. No one except a madman commits murder for no reason. Passion, hatred, money – as soon as the...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
The Dinner Club

The Dinner Club

Readers will be the interlocutors of our heroes. They gather in the Dinner club and tell stories related to their professions. Members of the club are different people: actor, lawyer, doctor,...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
Ronald Standish

Ronald Standish

Ronald Standish takes only those matters that interest him. He kills himself to find the killer. This story will surprise everyone. After all, the idea of?? the author is very unusual. A person...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
The Final Count

The Final Count

Drummond was a hard muscular and most powerful man. He was a magnificent boxer, a lightning and a deadly shot with a revolver, and utterly lovable. There is a person in the world who has a...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
The Return of Bulldog Drummond

The Return of Bulldog Drummond

A stranger comes to the house of detective Hugh „Bulldog” Drummond asking for help. Hugh is always ready to get down to business. However, two overseers abruptly appear, asking about a man named...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł


This is a well-written book with a fast-changing storyline. One of Drummond’s colleagues dies in a mysterious way. The main character wants to find out the cause of death. There were no traces of...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
Bulldog Drummond

Bulldog Drummond

In Bulldog Drummond, we meet with Captain Hugh Drummond, who lives boringly. Therefore, he places an ad in the newspaper, offering his services in any adventure, regardless of their legality or...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł


Sapper was the pseudonym of Herman Cyril McNeile, who wrote many novels, mostly on military subjects. In the story, the author fulfilled a fascinating look at the consequences of the war not only...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
Temple Tower

Temple Tower

One of the men is Captain Hugh „Bulldog” Drummond – an officer with a strong desire for adventures. His friend, Peter, who tells this exciting story about a man who fears his life and desperately...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł

Powieści kryminalne, sensacyjne i thrillery

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